C.S.A. Service Srl
Via Farini, 8 - 20030 SENAGO - MI - Italy
Tel. +39 02 99813304 - Fax +39 02 99815209
e-mail: info@csa-medical.it
C.S.A. service Srl was born on September 1992 and it's an italian company that imports, exports and distributes surgical instruments, hospital supplies and medical devices.
We have customers in all national territory, and we offer a wide range of articles, as thermometers, sphygmomanometers, phonendoscopes and disposable materials (non-woven materials, surgical scalpels and blades, Foley catheters, etc..), all in accordance with the EU-directive 93/42/EEC. We are always searching for new products to propose to the italian market: if you think you could propose us interesting articles, please fill the next form.